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ImplantoDays Congress

June 2019 | Poiana Brasov

6th Edition

About Us

The ImplantoDays educational platform aims to increase the skills of dentists through their direct interaction with opinion leaders, with experienced practitioners, as well as interacting with new orientations, procedures and techniques in oral implantology.

ImplantoDays Congress is a major annual event that focuses on oral implantology and all its novelties, through the presence and presentations of some of the most known international lecturers. In 2019, at its sixth edition, the ImplantoDays International Congress challenges the audience with world top names in implantology, lecturers from USA, Germany, Ukraine, Chile, Austria, Spain, Italy, Lithuania and of course Romania.

The most challenging congress of the year Must to attend Contact us just now

International Congress

Educational Platform

24 EMC credits

Anniversary Tombola

Our speakers invite you to
ImplantoDays Congress

Specialized in dental implantology and bone and soft tissues reconstruction, Dr. Sascha Jovanovic is considered one of the founders of guided bone regeneration (GBR).

International lecturer with impressive experience, Dr. Sascha Jovanovic is also a practitioner with remarkable results.

Sign up now for ImplantoDays Congress and you can watch him in a special presentation!


  • 14 June
  • 15 June
  • 13 June
  • 16 June

Dr Nazariy Mykhaylyuk , Ucraina

Analogue vs. Digital Dentistry

Dr. Orlando Alvarez, Chile

Computer Guided Surgery , Key factors for Success

▸ EAO consensus comission says about guided surgery " .. There is currently insufficient data available to evaluate all factors involved in a digital workflow. We are in the midst of a ‘hybrid phase’, where digital and conventional procedures are often combined ..." in this lecture you will know and learn some factors that are involved in this workflow and how to avoid mistakes and unnecessary risk protocols.

Dr. Roland Torok, Germania

Long term success in augmentation techniques close to biology

▸ Success rate of dental implant therapy shows constant rise over the last decade. Cases that were once considered difficult are nowadays managed much more easily with significantly better results. Reasons for this are mayor technological advancements in the field of dental implant macro and micro design, evolution of diagnostic procedures and techniques and also improvement of existing and development of new surgical protocols, especially those involving soft and hard tissue augmentation procedures and materials – without which modern prosthetic restoration driven implantology would not be possible.

▸ There are many augmentation protocols and techniques in use today, but local autologuous bone block graft remains the golden standard and technique of choice for many clinicians, especially when both horizontal and vertical bone augmentation is needed. Even though the method itself is very technique sensitive and requires an experienced practician, it shows excellent results and it is relatively inexpensive for both the patient and the surgeon as well. Main disadvantages are limited graft quantity that can be harvested from local donor sites, possibility of significant graft loss due to resorption and, in some cases, inadequate integration of the graft at recipient region. Also, patient acceptance rate is relatively low - mainly due to more extensive surgical procedure, secondary surgical wound, longer patient recovery time and longer total treatment duration.

▸ The author will present a novel bone augmentation protocol, with results very similar to those that can be achieved by autologuous bone block grafts. Besides, the presented SGFBR technique and TSGBR are much simpler, less invasive, more predictable, with fast results leading to shorter treatment time.

Dr. Pietro Felice, Italia

The Interpositional bone block technique in the treatment of the atrophic posterior mandible

▸ The rehabilitation of the partially edentulous posterior mandible is a common clinical problem. The ideal solution would be an implant-supported fixed prosthesis. The main obstacle associated with this treatment option is the lack of sufficient bone height. As a consequence the ideal approach would be to augment bone vertically in a predictable and successful way.
A possible approach is to use an interpositional bone graft. Horizontal osteotomy with the interposition of bone in the form of a “sandwich” involves raising a coronal osteotomised segment of the mandible, which is still attached to the lingual periosteum, and interpositioning of a bone block graft.
▸ This technique offers the advantage of guaranteeing a greater vascular supply, coming from the lingual periosteum and from the residual bone, to the inlay graft; it also allows optimum use of the native basal bone, which should be less prone to resorption. Frequently, the interpositional technique was associated with autologous bone harvesting which involves discomfort and postsurgical morbidity, however data suggest that heterologous bone blocks in the inlay technique are similar in results to autogenous bone blocks.
▸ The use of heterologous bone blocks allows avoiding grafting from the iliac crest related with significant patient discomfort, postoperative morbidity and complications. Hence, the interpositional technique in the posterior atrophic mandible rehabilitation can be considered a reliable solution that allows an increase in bone height sufficient for implant placement quite stable over time avoiding for autogenous bone harvesting.

Dr. Tomas Linkevicius, Lituania

Zero bone loss concepts

Dr. Homa Zadeh, SUA

Periodontal & Peri-implant Plastic Surgery: Enhancing health and esthetics (part. 1)

▸ Description:

Soft tissue deficiencies around teeth and implants are often first noted, because they compromise esthetics. However, soft tissue deficiencies are also associated with progressive periodontal and peri-implant attachment loss. Periodontal plastic surgery has flourished as an approach to address periodontal soft tissue deficiencies that pose esthetic and functional concerns. Similarly, peri-implant soft tissue regeneration is often necessitated for enhancement of esthetic and functional stability of peri-implant tissues.
One of the major objectives of periodontal and peri-implant plastic surgery is to treat gingival/mucosal recession defects, through an array of classic and novel approaches. This presentation will review the risk factors that influence disease progression and predict therapeutic outcomes. The rationale, scientific evidence and material selection for various therapeutic approaches will be discussed. The Vestibular Incision Subperiosteal Tunnel Access (VISTA) will be introduced as a predictable technique for periodontal and peri-implant soft tissue regeneration.

▸ Educational Objectives:

Upon completion of this course and hands-on workshop, participants will have gained knowledge and practical experience with:

  1. Risk assessment to identify patients and sites at risk, requiring treatment
  2. The rationale and protocol for VISTA to regenerate periodontal and peri-implant tissues
  3. Selection of appropriate material: connective tissue (palate and tuberosity), acellular dermis allograft, collagen matrix xenograft, platelet-fibrin concentrates, growth factors

Friday Night Party

Dr. Angelo Troedhan, Austria

Less risk, more success: new Gold-Standards in oral surgery & dental implantology – a scientific review and recommendations for the practitioner

▸ Depicting the individual patient´s anatomy only in two dimensions bears high risks of unpleasant “surprises” during surgical execution and possible failure of the planned treatment. The digital workflow based on 3D-imaging prevents possible failure already in the planning phase of the treatment. Furthermore, most recent CBCT-devices even allow a precise determination of the individual patient´s bone quality to determine how many implants will be needed and if immediate loading might be possible in each individual case.

▸ In the surgical execution of the planned treatment mills, drills, burs and low-frequency oscillating saws were the only tools for bone-cutting for a long time and their use rarely questioned on their biological and physiological impact on bone-healing and osseointegration, especially when compared now with new minimal invasive and atraumatic surgical tools and protocols such as ultrasonic Piezotomes, which proved to significantly enhance bone-healing and reduce intra- and post-surgical morbidity.

▸ The lecture will provide a short basic revision of current knowledge of bone-healing, bone-regeneration, osseointegration and radiographic anatomy followed by a detailed comparison of 2D versus 3D treatment-planning and of the physical and biologic impact when drills and the new Gold-Standard Piezotomes are used in bone-augmentation procedures and implantology. Minimal invasive and safe surgical techniques such as Piezotome-ridge-preservation, Piezotome-crest-splitting and ultrasonic transcrestal sinuslifting will be highlighted.

Td. Cristian Petri, România

Managementul erorilor de comunicare dintre medic si tehnician in cazul reabilitarilor orale, supraimplantare

Ce pot să știu despre ce trebuie să fac?

▸ În ultimii ani dezideratul tuturor este de a realiza restaurari dentare în modul full digital iar tehnologia și noile materiale ne oferă o multitudine de instrumente pe care trebuie să știm sa le folosim astfel încat să obținem cele mai bune rezultate. Asta nu înseamnă neaparat că dacă avem un scaner intraoral sau un CAD/CAM, restaurarile dentare se realizează “ singure “. Trebuie să știm cum funcționează această tehnologie și cum o putem combina cu tehnica analogică astfel încat rezultatele sa fie optime, aici referindu-mă la câteva lucruri de bază, cum ar fi cunoștiințe despre morfologia dinților pentru a obține o estetică care să imite naturalul cât și cunostiinte temeinice de ocluzologie pentru realizarea funcției. Desigur, pe langă aceste cunostințe de bază este nevoie de competențe în domeniul IT fără de care nu am putea să folosim tehnologia digitală.

▸ Dotarea laboratorului și a cabinetului dentar cu aparatură digitală aduce un plus de valoare și eficiență în execuție. Cu ajutorul acestor tehnologii avem posibilitatea de a obține aceași calitate constantă și reproductibililă de fiecare dată, de obicei într-un interval de timp mult mai scurt dar exista o multitudine de erori care pot aparea și pe care trebuie să știm sa le gestionăm.

▸ Desigur, atât în cazul unor reabilitari implantare simple cât și în cazul reabilitarilor complexe pe implanturi, succesul constă în urmarirea și aplicarea unor protocoale de lucru foarte specifice fară de care nu putem obține dezideratele dorite. Aici mă refer la modele de studiu, wax-up, transferul în cavitatea bucală, test-drive și validarea de catre pacient a planului protetic propus. Înseamnă că medicul și tehnicianul dentar trebuie să cunoască fiecare etapă de execuție fie ea digitală sau analogică.

▸ Erorile de comunicare sunt un alt factor care pot să intervină în succesul realizarii acestor reabilitari chiar dacă ne folosim de cele mai performante tehnologii.

▸ După validarea planului protetic este alegerea noastră și ține numai de noi cum reușim și cât de bine putem să realizăm aceste restaurari dentare. Succesul depinde de simbioza și comunicarea dintre membrii echipei, de dotările de care dispunem dar și de know-how-ul nostru.

Dr. Mihnea Cafadaru, România

Managementul țesuturilor moi în zona anterioară

Dr. Sascha Jovanovic, SUA

Horizontal and Vertical Ridge Augmentation using GBR techniques - indications, clinical steps, limitations and long term results

Dr. Sascha Jovanovic, SUA

Dr. Oscar Gonzalez, Spania

„Soft Tissue Management in the esthetic zone"

Dr. Frank Zastrow, Germania

Biological Bone Augmentation - What are the Basics, where are the Limits

▸ In many cases bone augmentation is necessary before implants can be inserted. Additionally, the soft tissue management can be a decisive factor for the implant success. In all cases the “Goldstandard” of using autologous bone is in competition with the use of Bone Graft Material products.

▸ Clear guidelines for the use of autogenous bone harvesting and augmentation techniques in order to achieve predicable results will be provided as well as reliable techniques in complication treatment.

Dr. Homa H. Zadeh

Practical experience with Periodontal & Peri-implant Plastic Surgery

▸ Description - Hands-on workshop

Periodontal plastic and peri-implant plastic surgery can address gingival recession and peri-implant mucosal deficiencies that pose esthetic and functional concerns. This presentation and hands-on workshop will provide detailed protocol to achieve predictable augmentation of periodontal and peri-implant mucosal tissues. In particular, Vestibular Incision Subperiosteal Tunnel Access (VISTA) will be introduced as a highly predictable technique for periodontal and peri-implant soft tissue regeneration.

▸ Educational Objectives:

Upon completion of this course and hands-on workshop, participants will have gained knowledge and practical experience with:

  1. The protocol for VISTA to regenerate periodontal and peri-implant tissues
  2. Selection of appropriate material: connective tissue (palate and tuberosity), acellular dermis allograft, collagen matrix xenograft, platelet-fibrin concentrates, growth factors
  3. Complications: prevention and management
Early Days

599 €

13 March – 14 April

Smart Days

649 €

15 April – 12 May

Late Days

749 €

13 May – 12 June

*25 available places

Dr. Angelo Troedhan

Piezotome surgery in everyday practice – Minimal invasive Piezotome-bone-management: A hands-on-workshop

▸ Description:

Mills, drills, burs and low-frequency oscillating saws were the only tools for bone-cutting for a long time and their use rarely questioned on their biological and physiological effects on bone-healing and osseointegration, especially when compared now with new technologies such as Piezotomes.

The workshop will start with a short basic revision of current knowledge of bone-healing, bone-regeneration and osseointegration, followed by a detailed comparison of technology and of the physical and biologic impact when drills and piezoelectric devices are used to cut bone.

The major part of the workshop then will be dedicated to the presentation of newly developed minimal invasive piezotome-surgical procedures and their advantages for both the surgeon and patients with video-demonstrations of basic and advanced Piezotome-surgical techniques. Starting with Piezotome-ridge-preservation in tooth extractions for simultaneous implant insertion the participants will then be introduced also to advanced bone-surgical techniques with Piezotomes such as minimal invasive transcrestal ultrasonic sinuslifting, flapless crest-splitting and the subperiostal tunnel-technique.

Most surgical techniques then will be trained ex vivo on specimens as a hands-on.

Early Days

249 €

13 March – 14 April

Smart Days

299 €

15 April – 12 May

Late Days

349 €

13 May – 12 June

*20 available places

diana-pop mostovei

Dr Diana Pop & Dr Andrei Mostovei

Implant planning using CBCT

▸ Description:

A correct positioning of the implant, which allows an ideal final restoration, is always desirable for clinicians, whether it is a single crown, a one-piece prosthesis attached to the implant, or a surgeon on implants. To achieve a successful outcome, an in-depth analysis of residual crest anatomy and bone density assessment is required. Typically, two-dimensional radiographic images - retro-alveolar and panoramic - were used to view the interested area. Despite the increased resolution of 2D images, the main disadvantage is that the vestibular-lingual width of the alveolar bone cannot be accurately assessed, which can lead to implant positioning errors and a compromised end result. CBCT technology provides a precise assessment of alveolar crest, determining the exact height, width and anatomy of the alveolar crest, as well as the relationship between the edentation and the adjacent anatomical structures (sinuses, nerve etc).

Implant placement can be done easily with 3D CBCT data, and the clinician can also determine if pre-prosthetic surgery, such as bone addition or sinus lift, is required before placing the implant.

All participants will receive a step-by-step approach to 3D implant planning, thus reducing the gap between virtual and clinical dentistry.

▸ Theoretical part
  1. The Importance of CBCT Diagnostics in Implant Planning
  2. Overview of implant planning methods
  3. Principles of correct planning and their evolution
  4. Factors that affect the primary stability of implants
  5. Different types of clinical cases
  6. Ways to solve difficult cases
  7. The most common mistakes
▸ The practical part
  1. Analysis of 3D images obtained from CBCT scanning
  2. Marking the trace of the lower alveolar nerve
  3. Bone density analysis in different planes
  4. Determining the optimum implant size, as appropriate
  5. Measuring the volume of additive material required
  6. Achieving an implant report
  7. Discussing the prepared cases
Workshop price

25 €

* The attending physicians are asked to bring their personal laptop

** 25 available places

Dr. Mihnea Cafadaru

Implantarea postextractională imediată și întarziată - de la simplu, la complex

▸ Description:

Acest curs teoretic și practic se adresează atât medicilor începători, cât și celor avansați.

▸ Vor fi abordate următoarele subiecte:
  1. Extracția atraumatică și importanța păstrării intacte a țesuturilor moi și a osului alveolar în urma extracției
  2. Implantarea postextracțională imediată
  3. Implantarea postextracțională întarziată
  4. Reguli de management osos și tisular
  5. Timpii protetici, de la provizorie la lucrarea definitivă/li>
  6. Complicații și managementul acestor complicații
  7. Exersarea implantarii postextracționale pe modele de lucru și/sau maxilar de porc
Early Days

299 €

13 March – 14 April

Smart Days

349 €

15 April – 12 May

Late Days

399 €

13 May – 12 June

*20 available places

Dr Frank Zastrow


▸ Description:

In many cases bone augmentation is necessary before implants can be inserted. Additionally, the soft tissue management can be a decisive factor for the implant success.

In all cases the “Goldstandard” of using autologous bone is in competition with the use of Bone Graft Material products. This course with hands on workshop is addressed to all clinicians, who have already own experience in augmentation and want to learn safe and predictable bone harvesting and augmentation techniques for different clinical situations.

Clear guidelines for the use of augmentative procedures like autogenous bone grafting and advanced soft tissue management in order to achieve predicable results will be provided by the oral surgeon Dr. Frank Zastrow. In the `Simulation` session relevant bone harvesting and augmentation techniques will be simulated and trained on synthetic models.

Early Days

449 €

13 March – 14 April

Smart Days

499 €

15 April – 12 May

Late Days

549 €

13 May – 12 June

*25 available places

*ImplantoDays Congress takes place at the Poiana Brasov Recreation Center.

**Educational workshops take place at the Alpin Hotel - Poiana Brasov.

Our Pricing Plan

429 €


21 January 2019 - 28 April 2019

2 Days of Congress


Coffe Break

Friday Night Party

499 €


29 April 2019 – 13 June 2019

2 Days of Congress


Coffe Break

Friday Night Party

539 €


Tariff valid on the day of the event

2 Days of Congress


Coffe Break

Friday Night Party

Friday Night Party

A friday evening, a new challenge for participants! Mega-party!
A night full of taste, color, vibration, rhythm and great spirit! Green spirit!

Event Location

Contact booking

Mădălina Molea: +40.735.011.784


Alpin Hotel/night

  • Single 60 €
  • Double 70 €

Alpin Casa/night

  • Single 55 €
  • Double 65 €

Apartament Executive/night

  • 2 persons - 120 €
  • 3 persons - 130 €
  • 4 persons - 140 €

*Rates include breakfast, free access to the pool, sauna, jacuzzi and fitness room.

**The reservation and payment are made directly to the Alpin Hotel.


Str. Ștefan Negulescu, Nr. 34, Sc. A, Et. 1, Ap. 2, Sect. 1 Bucharest, Romania 011654

+40 721 256 652



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